Pain Neutralisation

Pain Neutralisation Technique is an incredibly powerful, breakthrough new therapy for the treatment of chronic and acute pain and can help with fibromyalgia, headaches, migraines, back pain and chronic fatigue. It was developed in the USA by chiropractor Dr Steven Kaufman and uses simple neurological reflexes to treat trigger points and reduce pain.

What are Trigger Points?

Trigger points are tight bands and/or contraction knots found within the muscles. They are often very sensitive and painful when pressed. Trigger points are often responsible for, or may worsen many painful conditions such as headaches and migraines, lower back pain and sciatica. For example, patients suffering from Migraines often have trigger points in their upper trapezius muscles, sciatica sufferers often have trigger points in the piriformis and lower back pain sufferers often have trigger points in the quadratus lumborum.

How Does PNT work?
PNT is based on engaging natural neurological reflexes such as the ‘Clasp Knife Reflex’ (also known as the Golgi Tendon Organ Reflex). This is a protective reflex the body uses to protect our muscles from injury. The technique intentionally triggers this reflex in the muscle where a tender trigger point is present. When stimulated it causes a reflex action and the tense band of muscles immediately relax and lose tenderness when pressed.
Does PNT hurt?
PNT is very different from other treating trigger point treatments as it does not use mechanical force. Most trigger point treatments (eg. myofascial release, ischemic compression and strain counter strain) use considerable force to treat the trigger point which can often cause a great deal of discomfort and pain.
PNT uses gentle tissue manipulation to switch off pain. Your Chiro will use PNT gentle specific stimulation, accurate positioning and light pressure, by hand, to activate a neurological reflex which causes the muscles to relax releasing the tenderness in the trigger point and increasing the range of movement.
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Proven Results

Dr Jonathan Wright, M.D., a Harvard graduate, is one of the leading medical doctors in the alternative medicine field.  Having heard about the amazing results people were getting with  PNT he sent one of his physicians, a surgeon called Dr Gaston to learn the technique and trial it on his patients at the Tahoma Clinic. Below is a summary of the medical doctors PNT observations that was published in June 2013 Nutrition & Healing Journal Vol.20 Issue 3. We use quotation marks for excerpts taken from the published report.

“When Dr. Gaston came back from Dr. Kaufman’s seminar, he decided to keep very careful track of the first forty chronic pain patients he used the technique on at the Tahoma Clinic, so that he’d be able to answer questions about what range of responses might be expected from the application of PNT. Before and immediately after treatment, everyone was asked to score their chronic pain on a scale of one to ten, with “one” being a very mild pain, and “ten” being the worst pain imaginable. 100% of those treated experienced some pain relief. “Eight of the first group of forty (20%) had complete elimination of their pain with one treatment. Another eight (20%) had at least a five-point reduction in their perceived pain score. “After their first treatment, sixteen individuals (40%) with “before treatment” pain scores of five or higher reported pain scores of zero or one. 
“Those who had partial relief with just one treatment returned for more, hoping for further pain relief, and haven’t been disappointed. When this was written, the “complete relief” with several treatments score was up to twenty- three of forty (57.5%), and the others were improving with further treatment, but not yet totally pain-free.”

Cove Chiropractic

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15 Balboa Drive, Hallett Cove